• Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers

Pot of Duality - PGL2-EN055 - Gold Rare

Pote da Dualidade - PGL2-PT055 - Gold Rare

Pot of Duality - PGL2-EN055 - Gold Rare Ver maior

R$ 19,99


Card Set: Premium Gold 2: Return of the Bling

Rarity: Gold Rare

Card Type: Spell

Spell Type: Normal

Texto (EN): Excavate the top 3 cards of your Deck, add 1 of them to your hand, also, after that, shuffle the rest back into your Deck. You can only activate 1 "Pot of Duality" per turn. You cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this card.

  • Português
  • Inglês

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