• Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers

Counter Gate- MVP1-EN010 - Ultra Rare

Portão do Contragolpe- MVP1-PT010 - Ultra Rare

Counter Gate- MVP1-EN010 - Ultra Rare Ver maior

R$ 1,99


Card Set: The Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack

Rarity: Ultra Rare

Card Type: Trap

Trap Type: Normal

Texto (EN): When an opponent's monster declares a direct attack: Negate the attack, and if you do, draw 1 card, then if it is a monster, immediately after this effect resolves, you can Normal Summon it in face-up Attack Position.

  • Português
  • Inglês
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