Card Set: Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Spell
Spell Type: Normal
Texto (EN): Discard 1 card; add up to 2 Dragon monsters with 3000 or more ATK and 2500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand.
R$ 0,99
Card Set: Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Spell
Spell Type: Normal
Texto (EN): Discard 1 card; add up to 2 Dragon monsters with 3000 or more ATK and 2500 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand.
Aviso: Últimas unidades!
Data de disponibilidade:
The Melody of Awakening Dragon - SDWD-EN022 - Common
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