• Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers

Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians - RA01-EN047 - Super Rare

Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians - RA01-EN047 - Super Rare Ver maior

R$ 3,99


Card Set: Coleção de Raridades do 25º do Aniversário

Rarity: Super Rare

Card Type: Monster

Monster Type: Link

Attribute: Light

Type: Spellcaster

Subtype: Effect

Link Arrows: Bottom-Left, Bottom-Center, Bottom-Right

ATK/LINK: 1850 / 3

Texto (EN): 2+ monsters, including a Spellcaster monster If this card is Link Summoned: Place Spell Counters on this card, equal to the number of Spells on the field and in the GYs. While an "Endymion" card(s) is on the field, your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. Once per turn, during the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can remove 3 Spell Counters from your field; Special Summon 1 Spellcaster monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position, to your zone this card points to.

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