• Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers
  • Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover Breakers

Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax - RA01-EN044 - Ultra Rare

Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax - RA01-EN044 - Ultra Rare Ver maior

R$ 3,99


Card Set: Coleção de Raridades do 25º do Aniversário

Rarity: Ultra Rare

Card Type: Monster

Monster Type: Link

Attribute: Light

Type: Cyberse

Subtype: Effect

Link Arrows: Middle-Left, Bottom-Left, Bottom-Right, Middle-Right

ATK/LINK: 3000 / 4

Texto (EN): 2+ monsters Special Summoned from the Extra Deck While this Link Summoned card is on the field, your opponent cannot target this card with card effects, also their monsters cannot target monsters for attacks, except this one. Once per battle, during damage calculation, if this card battles a Special Summoned monster (Quick Effect): You can make this card gain ATK equal to that opponent's monster's ATK during that damage calculation only. If this Link Summoned card you control is sent to your GY by an opponent's card: You can shuffle 1 card on the field into the Deck.

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