Dinomist Brachion - BOSH-EN027 - Common

Dinonévoa Bráquio - BOSH-PT027 - Common

Dinomist Brachion - BOSH-EN027 - Common Ver maior

R$ 0,99


Card Set: Breakers of Shadow

Rarity: Common

Card Type: Monster

Monster Type: Pendulum

Level: 5

Attribute: Water

Pendulum Scale: 6

Type: Machine

ATK/DEF: 2000/800

Texto (EN): Pendulum Effect: Once, while this card is in your Pendulum Zone, you can negate an activated card effect that targets another "Dinomist" card(s) you control, then destroy this card. Monster Effect: If you do not control "Dinomist Brachion" in your Monster Zone and your opponent controls a monster that has the highest ATK on the field (even if it's tied), you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

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