Wishiwashi - SM02/037 - Common (Reverse Holo)

Wishiwashi - SM02/037 - Common (Reverse Holo) Ver maior

R$ 0,99


PKMN Set: SM02

PKMN Rarity: Common

Finish: Reverse Holo

PKMN Card Type #1: Water

HP: 30

Stage: Basic

Weakness: Eletric

Resistance: Metal

Ability: Schooling Once during your turn (before your attack), you may switch this Pokémon with a Wishiwashi-GX in your hand. Any attached cards, damage counters, Special Conditions, turns in play, and any other effects remain on the new Pokémon.

Attack #1: [W] Sharpshooting This attack does 10 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

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