Raven-haired Ezel - G-RC01/017EN - RR

Raven-haired Ezel - G-RC01/017EN - RR Ver maior

R$ 9,99


Texto (EN): [AUTO] Limit Break 5:When this unit is placed on (VC) by riding from a grade 3 or greater unit with "Ezel" in its card name, until end of turn, this unit gets [Power]+10000, and your opponent cannot call cards other than grade 1 from hand to (GC).

VG-Card Set: G-RC01: Revival Collection Vol.1

VG-Rarity: RR

Unity Type: Normal Unity

Grade: Grade 3/Twin Drive !!

Nation: United Sanctuary

Clan: Gold Paladin

Power: 11000

Shield: none

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